My favorite class at LESP :)

My favorite class at LESP is gym. I like gym because it allows me to push myself and I think its the most rewarding class long term and short term and its most rewarding period because it keeps you healthy. Gym class keeps you in shape and fit and keeps you healthy. Being in the gym also teaches you discipline. This class is placed on the third floor and is directed by Ms.Garcia I usually take this class for 8th period. When you are in gym class you just put in your headphones and block out everything and clear your mind and just work your body out an make yourself feel good and energetic and refreshed. In gym I just workout and do cardio so that I can stay in shape and be healthy it also helps me clear my head because I do not think about anything but the workout when i'm working out and that helps me deal with things and open my mind up and clear my conscience whenever I need to. I enjoy this class because I enjoy doing work by myself and I enjoy listening to music and and I enjoy the escape that it gives me when I workout it helps me think and process regularly. It bring me peace to be working on my own and working on my body all while enjoying my music and my privacy and I just believe being healthy is very important and gym is the only class where you can really help yourself stay healthy in school. I just enjoy the overall experience of gym because it just is a really good stress reliever and I think anybody can go to the gym and get motivated and get started having fun and working out. Gym is also a good place to socialize and meet other people and mare friends through small interactions.


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